Guiyang Souvenirs
1 min readGuiyang offers great souvenirs for visitors.Wax-dyed fabrics(laran)are a local handicraft using nature and animal motifs.Designs are drawn onto the fabric with wax then dipped in dye and a beautiful pattern is revealed when the wax is removed.They cost from RMB 50 to 100,framed pieces are around RMB 200 each.The Miao people love silver jewelry and accessories.Make sure you check out the elaborate silver headdresses and delicate silver bracelets.Traditional Miao embroideries(miaozucixiu)that come in geometric patterns are a bargain at RMB 150 to 200.Unique pieces of art made entirely of plants ranges a few RMB to a few thousand.

You can do all your souvenir shopping at Qiancui Hang(guizhou qiancuihang)at 48 Beijing Lu,the Dachanglong Shopping Center(dachanglong gouwuzhongxin)at 26 Jiefang Lu.The Shixi Trade Street(shixishangyejie)is a good place to go browsing.