Hall of Supreme Harmony
1 min readHall of Supreme Harmony Taihedian Commonly known as the Hall of Gold Throne,the magnificent structure was built in 1406 and renovated in1695.It is 35.5 meters high and has a floor space of 2 300 square meters with 182 beams and 84 pillars.It is the largest wood structure extant in Chi-na.During the Ming and Qing dynasties grand ceremonies such as the en-thronement of the emperor,New Year’s Day,proclamation of imperial edicts,receiving successful candidates of imperial examination,appointment of commander-in-chief of expedition troops were held here.

Inside the Hall of Supreme Harmony The interior of the Gold Throne Hall is preserved as in ancient times.On the raised platform is the gilded imperial throne placed on a dais two meters high.Behind the throne is a carved screen.On either side of the throne are a crane-shaped candle-stick,an elephant-shaped in-cense burner and a column shaped incense burner with a pagoda on top which are all cloisonne wares.

Throne The painted golden throne with a splendid screen behind it stands on a two-me-ter high dais in the center of the Hall of Supreme Har-mony.Is back and the lower part are covered with coiled dragons.This is the most magnificent of all the thrones in the palace.