2 min readHandshaking,Bowing,Nodding
Chinese used to cup one hand in the other before the chest as a salute.This tradition has a history of more than 2000 years and nowadays it is seldom used except in the Spring Festival.And shaking hands is more popular and appropriate on some formal occasions.
Handshaking is considered formal greeting behavior in China.It is used to show respect,but only if the person is someone important,like a government official or a businessman.The grip should be firm,but not overly strong,and should not be prolonged because Chinese,like other Asians,prefer a brief handshake.After shaking hands,you may exchange your name or the title of your company with each other and then proceed to carry out the affairs.
Bowing,as to convey respect to the higher level,is often used by the lower onsllike subordinates,students,and attendants.But at present Chinese youngsters tend to simply nod as a greeting.To some extent this evolution reflects the ever-increasing paces of modern life.

Public Behavior
The following are some general rules to remember when in public places in China:The Chinese will nod or bow slightly as an initial greeting.
Handshakes are also popular,but you should wait for your Chinese counterpart to initiate the gesture.
If you visit a school,theater,or other workplace,it is likely that you will be greeted with applause as a sign of welcome.In turn,you shouldapplaud back.Avoid making expansive gestures and using unusual facial expressions.The Chinese do not use their hands when speaking.Some hand gestures are necessary:To summon atention,turn your palm down,waving your figures toward yourself.Use your whole hand rather than your index finger to point.
The Chinese,especially those who are older and in positions of authority,disliked being touched by strangers.
Acknowledge the most senior member in a group first. Smiling is not as noticeable in China,since there is a heavy emphasis on repressing expression.
It is common for members of the same sex to hold hands while in public.Other public displays of affection between the sexes are frowned upon.
Do not put your hands in your mouth,as it is considered vulgar.Dont bite your nails,pick your teeth,or other similar practices.