Help for Children Unable to Go to School
2 min readHigher Enrollment Ratio for Children of School Age
Popularization of compulsory nine-year schooling is the key goal of China’s elementary education program.According to China’s present standard on popularization of compulsory primary schooling,elementary educa-tion has been basically popularized in areas covering 91 percent of the country’s population.UNESCO statistics show that the enrollment ratio of school-age children in China is much higher than in other countries of the same economic development level.
Education for girls is a key problem which faces developing countries inthe field of children’s education.When New China was firstly founded,the country’s enrolment rate of girls was only 15 percent.The Chinese Government later took many measures so that great progress was made in education for girls and the gap between enrollment rates of boys and girls was reduced year by year.China therefore has solved a problem which remains unsolved in many other developing countries.

Help for Children Unable to Go to School
In China’s poor areas there are children unable to go on to school because of poverty.Governments at all levels have incorporated help for children from poor families to enter school in their help-the-poor programsand,at the same time,have taken various measures to help them return toschool.In the mean time,thanks to the concern of and vigorous promotionby the government,people from all walks of life have been helping these children,enabling them to enjoy the fundamental right to education.
In October 1989,the China Youth Development Foundation initiated the Hope Project in Beijing.It provides grants-in-aid as long-term financial assistance to children in poor areas who dropped out of school because of straitened family circumstances,thus enabling them to return to school.In some poor rural areas,it also helps build or repair schoolhouses and buy teaching aids,stationery and books.It has sponsored the“One Million People’s Love Movement”and the“1(family)+1(dropout)Help Movement,”mobilizing the entire society to help dropouts return to school.
The China Children’s Foundation began to carry out the Spring Buds Program in 1989.It established a special fund to help girls enter school,enabling girls in poor areas to receive charge-free compulsory primary education.