2 min readThis will provide the ideal foundation for your sauces and the more you look after this pot of simmering goodness,the better all your finished dishes will taste
Makes 3 litres

3kg pork rib bones
1 old hen,about lkg,preferably a Silkie chicken
5 litres cold water
600g jinhua ham(optional)
20g peeled fresh root ginger,thinly sliced
white parts of 5 spring onions

1.Place the pork bones and whole chicken in a large pan,cover with cold water and bring to the boil
aromas that could infiltrate your stock at a later stage clean the pan th
2.Drain the bones and chicken and wash well under cold running wate will remove any
3.Return the bones and chicken to the clean pan,add the cold water,ham,if using,ginger and spring onion and bring to the boil
4.Reduce the heat and simmer for 3-6 hours or until you are left with around 3 litres of stock.If not using the stock immediately,you can leave to cool and then store in lidded sturdy plastic containers in the freezer for up to 3 weeks without compromising the quality
Silkie chickens,which have black skin,make a much sweeter stock And talking of sweetness,you can bump up the sweet factor by adding 2 tablespoons dried goji berries with the ginger and spring onion before you start simmering.Be sure to include the Jinhua ham if you want to give your stock a hit of umami,but if this is not available,use any good-quality cured ham as an alternative