2 min read1.Check the elasticity of the water dough by pulling it between your fingers-it should be able to stretch into a super-thin,translucent film
2.Pack the water dough and the oil dough into separate large baking sheets lined with baking a paper and place in the freezer for 3 hours to firm up

3.Remove the 2 doughs from the freezer and leave to soften slightly(but not for too lo otherwise they will be difficult to handle and require further time in the freezer to firm up again).Place the water dough on a sheet of baking paper and,using a rolling pin,lightly roll the water dough out into a rectangle 1cm in thickness.Place the oil dough on top,ensuring that there is at least a 2cm border of water dough all round the edge of the oil dough
4.Place a sheet of baking paper on top of this double layer of dough and lightly roll it out to a rectangle about 1.5cm in thickness
5.Remove the top sheet of paper,rotate the dough rectangle so that one long edge is now facing you and mark an imaginary line down the centre of the dough

6-7.Lifting the dough up by placing your hand underneath the bottom layer of baking paper,fold each side of the dough in to meet this imaginary line
8.Fold the 2 halves over one another to form 4 layers of dougl
9.Rotate the dough 90 degrees clockwise and lightly dust with flour Chill in the freezer for 15 minutes to firm up slightly
10.Remove the dough from the freezer and mark into thirds
11-12.Fold one third at one end of the dough over the middle third,then fold the other third over the top.Return the dough to the freezer for a further 15 minutes
13.Remove the dough from the freezer and roll it out until 3mm in thickness.Using a round pastry cutter,cut out 30 circles 1cm larger than your fluted tart moulds
14.Lightly oil a tart mould,then place a pastry circle in the centre.Gently push the dough out from the centre to the edges,ensuring that you don’t rip it.Repeat the process for all your tart moulds
15.Return the tart cases to the freezer for a final 15 minutes before filling and baking