How do you think of Chinese cuisine?
2 min readChinese cuisine is one of the delights of the world.There are few people who have not tried Chinese dishes of some sort at one of the many Chinese restaurants that exist in their own country.Most visitors appreciate the fact that Chinese cooking has traditions,which go further back in history than those of French cuisine.They understand that Chinese cuisine is an art,which grew out of a highly developed civilization.The infinite numbers of Chinese dishes,flavors,textures,and methods of cooking,make eating Chinese food exciting.

Another fact is that Chinese cuisine can be conveniently prepared in home kitchens.Chinese people value their way of dining very much.There is an old saying that says,“Food is the first necessity of the people .”Delicious and nutritious food has been regarded as the basis of life.Chinese cooking uses almost all the meat,poultry,fish,and vegetables known to the Western palate,but also embrace other foodstuff which,to Western taste,appear exotic.Compared with the food served at many of the Chinese restaurants abroad,visitors will almost certainly find a difference in quality,substance,and style in the food prepared in China itself.
Was red pepper a local product in ancient China?

Sichuan cuisine has enjoyed a worldwide reputation,and people immediately associate it with hot or spicy food.Actually,however,these flavors were introduced only in last 200 years.Before that time,there were no hot dishes in Sichuan,and few were cooked with pungent and hot flavorings.Originally,the flavor of Sichuan cuisine was quite mild.
Research shows,red pepper is,in fact,native to Mexico,Central America,the West Indies,and parts of South America.It is called capsicum pepper.The Spanish discovered it in the New World and brought it back to Europe.Before the arrival of Spaniards,Indians in Peru and Guatemala used capsicum pepper to treat stomach and other ailments.
Before the Ming Dynasty,there was no red pepper in China.It was introduced into China only around the end of the 17th century.Local people in Chaozhou area,Guangdong Province call red pepper fanjiao ,which means“foreign pepper.”At the beginning,it was used for medical or ornamental purposes.Only later did it appear in Southwest China where the local people treasure its taste.Sichuan has humid climate which encourages people to eat strongly spiced foods,and the red pepper may help reduce internal dampness ailment.