Humble Administration
1 min readThe Humble Administrator’s Garden or Zhuozhengyuan is a renowned Chinese garden in Suzhou.The garden is located in Dongbei Street.At 51,950 m2,it is the largest garden in Suzhou and is generally considered to be the finest garden in all of southern China.In 1997,The Humble Administrator’s Garden,along with other classical gardens of Suzhou was proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage Site.On theZhuozhengyuan’s site was first built a garden during the Shaoxing period(1131~1162)of the Southern Song Dynasty.Afterwards it changed ownership,and was destroyed or modified continually.Later in the Yuan Dynasty it became the Dahong Temple’s garden.The garden contains numerous pavilions and bridges set among a maze of connected pools and islands.It consists of 3 major parts set about a large lake:the central part,the eastern part,and a western part.The house lies in the south of the garden.In total,the garden contains 48 different buildings with 101 tablets,40 stelae,21 precious old trees,and over 700 Suzhou-style penjing.

Humble Administrator’s Garden is located in the No.178,Dongbei Street.

Admission Fee
Mar.1 to May 31 and Sep.1 to Nov.30:¥70
June 1 to Aug.31 and Dec.1 to Apr.30(next year):¥50
Opening hour

Take bus No.2,3,tourism bus No.1,2,5 to get there.