Implications in Chinese Painting
2 min readLines in Chinese Painting
In traditional Chinese painting,lines play a decisive role in the forma-tion of images;and variations in lines are determined,in the main,by the method of using brushes.Ink occupies an exceedingly important position in traditional Chinese painting,with black being the main color.The use of ink involves processes such as showing the shades and texture of rocks and mountains by light ink strokes and applying dots and coloring.

The Unique of Chinese Landscape Paintings
Unlike Western landscape paintings,traditional Chinese landscape paintings go beyond the passive copying of nature.It is a unique tradition of Chinese landscape painting to create artistic conception, seek a unity of form and spirit,of human feelings and natural settings,with an emphasis on the expression of the painter’s own thoughts and feelings.
Landscape paintings appeal to viewers by the creative composition that results in“meaning beyond the picture and picture beyond the meaning.”They try to preserve the painter’s understanding and perception of the whole natural world,his/her thoughts and emotions,ideals and hopes,in the limited picturesque scene.

Implications in Chinese Painting
In comparison with Western painting,Chinese painting has a distinguished national form and artistic characteristics.After a careful study of the object,a painter can discover the rules of its structure,and then produce it by the mind’s eye.It is not merely a simple copy,but it combines the object with the artistic concept of the producer,turning a natural image into an “artistic image.”The object can become endowed with feelings,and instilled with the artist’s essence and personality to achieve the effect of“being alike not only in spirit,but also in appearance.”Not all the objects are to be drawn on the paper,and much space is left for the imagination.

Characters of Chinese Painting
Throughout the history of Chinese painting one characteristic has prevailed-the consummate handling of the brushstroke.Paintings were executed in a dry or wetbrush technique,with an incredible versatility ranging from swirling patterns to staccato dots.