Important Portal for Opening to the West
2 min readXinjiang borders with 8 countries of Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrghyzstan, Ta jikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. In recent years, Xinjiang is attracting daily increasing attention of the world as a bridge for opening to the west, with more widely opening of China to the outside world. The ancient silk road has become a new main artery linked by highways, railways and air flight routes, the geographic advantages of Xinjiang have provided it with daily widening space for economic cooperation with surrounding areas, especially Central Asian countries.

To complete and enhance the role of Xinjiang as a base for opening to the west, furtherchange the foreign trade development pattern and optimize trading structure, mainly the following policies have been implemented by the Central Government and the autonomous region:

Major support is given to 100 backbone import and export enterprises, and 100 enterprises with potentials are fostered, to support them grow bigger and stronger; Enterprises are encouraged to expand the export of local products and self-operated products, to increase the export of agricultural products, building materials and mechanical and electrical products and high-tech products, maintain the steady growth of import of crude oil, iron ore and other bulk energy commodities, expand the import of mechanical and electrical products and new type materials, and support the import of key technologies andequipment required in the development of ma jor projects, industrial sectors and strategic emerging industries;

More preferential policies are adopted to speed up the construction of special economic zones such as various development zones, export processing zones and border economiccooperation zones, actively accept the domestic and overseas industrial transfer, and energetically build import and export product processing bases of agriculture, light and textile industries, mechanical and electrical equipment and building materials oriented to the central, west and south Asia and European market; Strengthen the cooperation with surrounding countries in field of resources, agriculture and project contracting, and encourage import of various resource commodities; Further upgrade the operation level of economic and trading fairs such as Asia-Europe Expo, Kashgar Trade Fair and Harbin Trade Fair.