Increased Opportunities of the Women in China
2 min readThe role and status of women in China today is characterized by increased opportunities along with intense competition and maior challenges.
As the commodity economy has developed in China,men in the rural areas have migrated to the cities.In some labor force.As noted,labor in the country-side is no longer restricted to farm work.Household industries,processing industries using local raw materials,and handicrafts are flour-ishing.Farmers,freed from the notion that being prosperous is against tradition,are working hard to become rich.Statistics indicate that rural industry now engages 85 million people,35 million(40%)of whom are women.Women’s federations in many rural areas have helped to launch programs to develop court-yard economies,i.e.,the intensive and efficient.

Use of small family plots.For example,the roofs of farmers’houses are covered with gourds;fruit trees and grape trellises hove been planted in the yards;poultry and domestic animals are raised beneath these plants;mushrooms are grown underground.Women produce baskets,sofa cushions,and straw mats using maize husks,which formerly would have been used as firewood.Embroidery factories employ young women,who can continue to have babies while doing piece work at home.
Today,women are mayors or vice mayors in 250 of the 514 cities in China.The Chinese Women Mayors Society,established in 1991,has a growing membership and is welcomed by women in China.The China Socialist Women Entrepreneurs Association held a seminar to discuss China’s market economy.Women entrepreneurs throughout China were invited to participate;50 of them were honored for.their outstanding achievements.

Chinese women also have been very successful in sports,winning more gold medals than Chinese men.
Chinese women comprise over one-third of workers in the fields of trade,industry,finance,and communication,and almost half of those in education,culture,and health.