Intangible Cultural Heritage Rescue and Preserv ation
2 min readIn recent years, the autonomous region’s governments at all levels attached great importance to intangible cultural heritage preservation, and adopted a series of measures for preserving, inheriting, developing and utilizing intangible cultural heritage. First, the autonomous region established the “Xinjiang Intangible Cultural Heritage Preservation Research Center”, and formulated and promulgated Regulations on How to Administer Intangible Cultural Heritage Preservation Projects and Provisional Rules on Applying for and Appraisal of Masterpieces of the Intangible Cultural Heritages.

In 2003, Xinjiang Uyghur muqam arts were included in the first group of pilot projectsin the”Chinese Ethnic and Folk Cultural Preservation Program”. In 2005, Xinjiang UyghurMuqam Arts of China was approved by UNESCO as “Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity”. In 2006 and 2008,63 intangible cultural heritage projects in Xinjiang, including the Kirgiz epic Manas, Mongolian epic Janger and Kazak Aytes, were listed in the first and second groups of national intangible cultural heritage. As of January 2013, Xin jiang had a total of 3,784 intangible cultural heritage projects, including 70 national projects and 185 autonomous region projects. It can be called a “ma jor region of intangible cultural heritage” Leading teams and survey groups for intangible cultural heritage preservation work were established locally to record, collect and apply for intangible cultural heritage projects; plan and establish indigenous ethnic tradition, culture and ecology protection zones; establish folk cultural resource pools; establish audiovisual files for folk artists, distribute living allowances to folk artists every year and encourage them to train more apprentices.

From 2011, the autonomous region spent 5 million yuan every year as the special fund for intangible cultural heritage preservation. In June 2011, at the launch ceremony of the Sixth China Cultural Heritage Day activities, Xinjiang introduced research results such as Awat Dolan Culture, Kazakh Aytis Collected Papers(English edition),3-decade Efforts and Time-honored Achievements-Compiling of Top 10 Literary Integration Chronicles Xinjiang Volume and Barkol Chinese Dialects.