Iron Pot Eggs,Souffle in Central China
2 min readSpeaking of ooking eggs,all of us are quite skillful. Ren a novice in kitchen knows how to suck an egg onto the noodies so as to add some flavor and nutrition.In terms of how ro cook eggs,what we are familiar with including steamed eogs,bolled eggs,tea eggs,tried eggs,scrambled eggs with oatoes,seaweed and egg soup.All these practices cover almost each way of rooking:steaming,boiling,trying,and stewing.What an all-rounder it is!

There is a legend concerning the birth of Iron Pot Eggs.Rumor had it that a chef in a Henan restaurant was adept at cooking tender and tasty eggs in Ming or Qing Dynasty,and diners streamed in and out continuously.The business was booming.Nonetheless,the chef was neither conceited nor self-satisfied.Instead,he was thinking about improving his skills to a higher level and refining on its flavor from time to time.One day,he was enlightened all of a sudden.So he sucked the eggs and added shrimp,ham shreds,mushroom shreds and fresh soup.He stirred them in a tailor-made pot with thick iron wall and half-boiled them.After that,he Daked the eggs on the surface with a hot iron pot cover.The eggs were pulled up dnd expanded to an extreme tenderness and fragrance.It was titled as”lron Pot Egg” because it was cooked in an iron pot.

There was another story that the “lron Pot Egg”was created in late Qing Uynasty by a master of Zhongzhou dish Chen Liantang,who was from Qi County. Ion Pot Egg enjoys good reputation at home and abroad.It is produced and sold “l Sixteen commercial ports of China including Beijing,Tianjin,Shanghai,Shenyang, Nanjing and Chongqing,as well as Hong Kong and US.It is accredited as a unique Zhongzhou flavor dish popular with persons of all circles.