Kaifeng Food Restaurants
2 min readSuccumb to your midnight cravings.Everyone else you’ve met earlier today when you toured the city is probably at Drum Tower Square(gulou guangchang)having supper.

This is also the site of Kaifeng’s famed Drum Tower night market.Several wooden restaurants and shops line the people-packed walkways.Any street stall crammed onto the sidewalk is a good bet for a tasty treat.Recommended are the fragrant skewers of succulentlamb.Soaking in the hive of nocturnal activity over delicious food and ice-cool beer packs a heady gastronomic punch that’ll knock you into blissful sleep after the feast.

Carp with noodles(liyu beimian),combining tender fish with thin noodles,are a local specialty.Deep fried pork(zha zhurou)is also worth a try,its golden skin crispy and crunchy.Tube chicken(mayuxing tongziji),which gets its odd name because the slices of chicken curl into the shape of a tube after they’re cooked,is tasty.Kaifeng’s meat-filled buns(guantang baozi)are famed throughout China.Finish off dinner with a sweet and crispy peanut cake(huisheng gao)for desert.
“Kaifeng has the weight of history about it;not just in the ruins,but in the atmosphere.”
“Very compact city,yet so many treasures-big and small-pop up around the corners.There is a lot of the old,a bit of the new,all of which adds up to a visual potpourri.”
Caojia Guantang Baozi

Kaifeng No.1Restaurant
Specializes in inexpensive deliciously juicy meat buns(gudntang baozi ),RMB6 for a plate of them.
8Sihou Jie
9 am to 10 pm
Mayuxing Jiya Dian

With over 100 years of history,it is famous for the tube chicken(mayuxing tongzijI).
Drum Tower Square
9 am to 7 pm
Youyixin Fandian

Established in 1906,it’s famous for its (liyu mian tiao)and zha zisurou.
22Gulou Jie
7 am to 9 pm