Kuche Mahavihara
1 min readThe Kuche Mahavihara is a religious place for the lslamic people to attend religious service. The mosque is located in the old city Heidunza of today’ sKuche, which is about 4 kilometers away from the new city of Kuche. It is the second largest mosque in Xinjiang, which ranks only second to the Id Kah Mosque in Kashgar. The original Kuche Mahavihara was burned by fire in 1918.

Local Aggie(called Airym) managed to collect fund and donation in 1923 to rebuild it, and it was completed in 1927. The area of the mosque is 1,165m².

The mosque is divided into two parts, one being a principal part of the mosque and the other being the hall for believers to attend religious service. The principal part of the mosque is a brick-wood structure on the whole, containing spiral staircases up to the roof of the mosque. The hall is dividedinto a front hall and a rear room, and its area is about 65m2. An Islamic court relic remains in the southeast corner of the courtyard in the mosque. The whole building has a rich Uyghur architectural style.