Legal Guarantees of Women’s Rights and Interests
2 min readLegal Guarantees of Women’s Rights and Interests
The state’s legal system for protecting women’s legitimate rights and interests has been improved constantly.In the last decade,China has enacted and revised,in succession,the Marriage Law,the Population and Fam-ily Planning Law,the Law on Rural Land Contracting,and the Law on Pro-tection of Rights and Interests of Women,and promulgated and implemented over 100 rules and regulations concerning the protection of women’srights and interests,such as the Regulations on Implementing the Law on Mother and Infant Healthcare.

Safeguaraing Rural Women Working in Cities
Over the past few years,the Chinese government has gradually reduced or eliminated the restrictive regulations on the employment of rural people in cities,and made great efforts to solve the problems of salaries in arrears,vocational safety,equal pay for equal work and social security for them so as to relieve rural migrant workers of anxieties regarding residence registration in cities and the schooling of their children,and actively profects the legitimate rights and interests of rural women working in cities.At the same time,the state also encourages and supports the building of trainingschools and legal aid centers,and the publication of typical cases of infringement as a means to raise awareness of their rights among migrant women workers and enhance their ability to safeguard their rights in accordance with the law.
To acively promote gender equality in employment and raise women’s ability to find employment or start businesses,the Chinese government has begun to cooperate with the United Nations Development Program,International Labor Organization and other international organizations,with satisfactory results.At present,it is accelerating,proceeding from the national conditions of China,the process for the approval of the UN’s Discrimination(Employment and Occupation)Convention in China.