Liaoning by the Numbers
1 min readFor tourism to grow there are two major ingredients for successful growth. The first is enough industries to support the economy so that tourism can grow. This includes buildinginfrastructure, providing other long-term investment opportunities and income sources forthe local people outside of tourism. The other important need is tourists themselves, ones who have the necessary financial status to partake in high-end travel, the basis of leisure tourism in Liaoning.

The spending power of Chinese tourists is becoming greater as the economy increases.

When traveling, tourists from China reserve nearly one third of their budget for purchases, according to a 2008 report created by the European Travel Commission. To be more specific, in 2010another European research group estimated that amount to be around 750 Euros or nearly $1000 spent just on hard goods. Luxury brands in Europe have taken notice and are catering to Chinese spenders, for example the Louis Vuitton stores in France now sells mahjong sets wrapped in their illustrious trademark designs. Continuing westward to the US, the average amount spent, including flights, hotels and spending, by a single Chinese tourist in 2008 was $7,200. These figures show that Chinese tourists are spending and these are not even China’s famed millionaires.