Lingyin Temple
2 min readThe Lingyin Temple was first built in 326 by an Indian monk called Chan Master Huili.He also built the Xiatianzhu Temple,which was at first his translation institution,as well as Yongfu Temple.Huili’s relics are buried in the Ligong Pagoda by Feilai Peak,which dates back to 1547.

Ever since the Wuyue Kingdom,the Lingyin Temple has always been known for its magnificence and its association with the royal court,prominent monks,and intellectuals.

In the Southern Song Dynasty it was designated as one of the five royal Chan monasteries,and in the Ming Dynasty it owned over 2,100 acres of farmland that extends all the way to today’s Jiaxing City.In its nearly 1,700 years of history,the Lingyin Temple was brought to ruin many times by war,fire,and the erosion of time.However,again and again,it has managed to recover its old glory.

Today,Lingyin is the monastery with the most historical relics in Hangzhou and,compared with most Hangzhou monasteries,it’s well-preserved.Its oldest relics are two stone dhvaya(pillars engraved with sutra texts)dating back to 969,one at the entrance and one at the exit,and two stone pagodas dating back to 960 in front of its major prayer hall,standing as testimony to the monastery’s prime.Visitors need to pay another 30 RMB to enter the Lingyin Temple.

You may want to avoid visiting on Buddhist festivals,holidays,and weekends,because Lingyin,with its fame,is crowded with tourists and pilgrims.On these special occasions,you really need to square yourself up for a battle to go in there.