Litchi and Fresh Fruit Salad with Orange
1 min readCanned litchis make quick work of this easy yet elegant salad, a light and refreshing conclusion to a special meal. While you can vary the fresh fruits according to the season—for instance, strawberries can replace the cherries—try to include kiwifruit, the national fruit of China, to where it is native. Chinese marmalade, typically made from kumquats, is available in Asian markets.

2 tablespoons orange juice, preferably freshly squeezed
2 tablespoons orange marmalade, preferably a Chinese variety, at room temperature
1 tablespoon Grand Marnier or other orange liqueur, or brandy (optional)
1⁄2 tablespoon light brown sugar
1 (10-ounce) can whole peeled seedless litchis, drained
2 cups fresh cubed pineapple
2 kiwifruit, peeled and thinly sliced1 cup pitted Queen Anne cherries or white cherries, halved (optional)

In a large bowl, combine the orange juice, marmalade, liqueur (if using), and sugar, stirring until marmalade is dissolved. Add the remaining ingredients, tossing gently yet thoroughly to combine. Serve at once, or cover and refrigerate a minimum of 1 to 24 hours, and serve chilled.
{PER SERVING} Calories 155 • Protein 1g • Total Fat 1g • Sat Fat 0g • Cholesterol 0mg • Carbohydrate 40g • Dietary Fiber 3g • Sodium 10mg