Lu Shan Food and Restaurants
1 min readLu Shan are famous for their fish dishe Xunyang yuyan isa set of dishes all made from fish and shrimp; they’re not only delicious but also works of art. Baijiao yongyutou is traditional Jiujiang stew that’s’ made with pounds(5kg)offishheads.

It’s made with “stone ears, a type of mushroom; “stone fish, a fish that’s only ound in Lu Shan’s springs; and “Stoyp include xiushui shaozi, big steamed bun shaped like peach and filled with meat and vegetables, and luobo ba, which is made from radishes.

0792 Restaurant
50Lushan Nan Lu
11 am to 9 pm
Red Dog Restaurant

Beside Xindi Hotel,Lushan
Wusong Restaurant
1 Guling Zheng Jie, Lushan
11am to 9pm
Xinhua Restaurant
88 Lushan Nan Lu
11am to 9pm
Xiuyu Hongchafang
Offers local cuisine and Western food.
310 Xunyang Lu
9: 20am to 2am
Zuishi Restaurant
9 Lushan Hexi Lu
11 am to 9 pm
The mist sweeps off Boyang Lake into the scenic areas of Lu Shan’s’ Hanpokou.