Marriages in 1950s of China
3 min readAfter the foundation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949,the old marriage system set up on the basis of the old social system was pushed towards an end.But marriage as a folk custom could not have been replaced by a thoroughly new type overnight.In fact,the 1950s was a timewhen the traditional marriage was gradually translated into the modern one.
From mid 1950s to 1975 when the Anti-Rightists Movement was launched,marriages among intellectuals were mostly affectional instead of political or economical.Many couples had been good playmates since childhood.Unfortunately,they were later criticized for their“petty bourgeois sentiment.”

In mid 1950s,male workers and technicians put in first place such qualities as industriousness,sincerity and honesty when they were seekingtheir mates.In town,though the idea was still popular that husbands acted as breadwinners and wives as housewives,young men did not care much about the fact that their future wives had their own jobs.Girls,however,had a very different standard when they chose their husbands.As many manufacturing and mining enterprises were set up throughout the country,and the movements of Bandit Abolishment,Anti Tyrannical Landlords,andSuppression of Counter-revolutionists were further deepened,excellent workers,miners and militiamen received extra attention from both the central and local governments.They therefore earned themselves a good name among the public.So,in those days,girls in town preferred excellent workers and miners while girls in the country preferred excellent militiamen as their the same period,a large number of middle 26 aged and old military officers were transferred to civilian work. They mostly took leading positions in different organizations. Soon they became objects pursued by girls.A popular satirical ballad then can reveal us the fact:I never mind his old age so long as I get his Roman watch on my wrist, and get his check in my pocket;I never mind his dying tomorrow, as I am young enough to remarry. Ih was also true that some married oficials working in town tried to enjoy the new type of love by divorcing their rube wives in the country and hunting for young fine girls in town.

Girls working in government ofices had a higher standard. Two bal lads widely read in those days best reveal a trend. One ballad reads: high level official is the best; county level official is good; regional level oficial is not bad; lowest level official is impossible. The other reads: He is my future husband who is young and handsome and experienced, who wears an expensive waterproof watch and woolen coat, and who is gentle and soft and mild.
Military officers, technicians and workers in sectors of railway transportation and military factories were popular among girls in towns and cities.
Miltary officers were admired by girls for their good treatment, political status and physical condition. in this period, China was building railways in a large scale. Workers in this sector received better pay and welfare than those in other sectors. Besides, wives or husbands and grown-up children could be offered jobs in towns and cities. Young children were entitled to free medical service and a free train iourney once a year. All this wos something that girls found irresistible. Similarly, technicians and workers in military factories became a temptation because they were even better paid than those in the railway sector.
In 1950s, marriages of the young in towns and cities started to be decided themselves. Marriages arranged for by parents became rare. The old marriage customs also began to die away.