marvellous mango pud
2 min readFabulous alliteration aside, these gorgeous puddings really do live up to their name. If you have ever tried the Chinese restaurant variety you may have been disappointed by its somewhat processed quality: overly jellified and artificially mango-ey. Our homemade version blows the just add water’ ones out of the, err .. water. With an inviting warm yellow hue and a hint of richness afforded by a coconut milk base, this refreshing pudding is the ideal way to finish off a summer meal.

Serves 43%4 tsp gelatine powder 250ml coconut milk, plus extra to serve 3 tbsp granulated sugar generous pinch salt 2 large just-ripe mangoes (about 440g), peeled, stoned and cut into chunks or the same quantity of canned mango 1 ripe mango, peeled and cubed (optional) few sprigs fresh mint, to serve (optional) 1 In a small bowl, soak the gelatine powder in 60ml cold water for at least 10 minutes.
2 Heat the coconut milk, sugar and salt in a small saucepan over a medium heat until the mixture is hot but not boiling. Slowly drop spoonfuls of the soaked gelatine into the coconut milk mixture, hiski whisking as you go. Turn off the heat and leave to cool to room temperature.

3 Blitz the mango chunks in a food processor or blender until you have a smooth puree. Strain through a sieve, into a bowl, discarding any fibrous bits caught in the sieve. Stir the cold coconut milk mix-ture into the mango puree, then spoon the pudding into individual ramekins, cover with cling film and chill for at least 2 hours before serving.
4 To serve, drizzle over a generous spoonful of coconut milk, pile fresh mango cubes on top of the pud-dings and decorate with a sprightly sprig of mint if you wish. Marvellous.