Millet and Sweet Potato Congee
1 min readOne of the five sacred grains of ancient China, millet is available in Asian markets and health food stores. This traditional, northern-style porridgelike soup, or congee, makes a nourishing breakfast or interesting main dish.

6 cups water, plus additional, as needed
1 cup millet, rinsed and drained
1 medium sweet potato (about 6 ounces), peeled and chopped
6 pitted dried red dates (jujubes), halved
1⁄4 cup dark brown sugar
1 tablespoon chopped fresh ginger
1 cinnamon stick
1⁄2 teaspoon salt, or to taste
Chopped walnuts or chestnuts (optional)

In a medium stockpot, combine all ingredients except walnuts and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to between low and medium-low and simmer, partially covered, until millet is tender and mixture is porridge-like, about 45 minutes, stirring occasionally and adding water, if necessary. Remove and discard the cinnamon stick and serve hot, garnished with the optional nuts, if using.
{PER SERVING} Calories 251 • Protein 6g • Total Fat 2g • Sat Fat 0g • Cholesterol 0mg • Carbohydrate 51g • Dietary Fiber 6g • Sodium 275mg