Mongols and the Yuan Dynasty
1 min readThe Jin Empire was defeated by the Mongols,who then proceeded to defeat the Southern Song in a long and bloody war,the first war in which firearms played an important role.During the era after the war,adventurous Westerners such as Marco Polo(1254-1324)traveled all the way to China and brought the first reports of its wonders to Europe.In China,the Mongolswere divided between those who wanted to remain based in the steppes and those who wished to adopt the customs Picture 1-9 Kublai Khan(1215-1294)of the Yuan Dymasty of Han Chinese.

Kublai Khan(1215—1294),grandson of Genghis Khan(1162-1227),wanting to adopt Han Chinese customs,established the Yuan Dynasty(1271-1368).This was the first dynasty to rule the whole of China with Beijing as the capital.Beijing had been ceded to Liao in 938 with the 16 Prefectures of Yanyun.Before the Yuan Dynasty,it had been the capital of the Jin,which did not rule all of China.