Namjagbarwa, the Magnificent Snowy Peaks
2 min read
Namjagbarwa Peak is reputed to be”the paradise in the clouds”.It is located in Nyingchi Prefecture of Tibet Autonomous Region with 7.782 meters above sea level. It ranks the 15th world highest mountain and is known as one of the ten most beautiful mountains in the world.From the top down to the bottom,in a linear distance of 2 kilometers,scenes on the Namjagbarwa vary from snowy winter to evergreen season.With huge body of triangular peak snow,cloud and fog cover,it is difticult to see its true capacity.So comes its another name,”the Shy Girl Mountain”.

The whole Namjagbarwa Peak is picturesque.On the top.snow persists throughout the year.Beneath the snow-line,there are dark green alpine plants.Further down.clumps of bushes begin to appear.Mauve azaleas in full bloom and pink primroses adorning the mountainside and large tracts of tall firs form a frigid taiga forest.In the lower edge of the taiga forest,you Can see trees with larger leaves.Camphor trees are emitting a unique fragrance.At the lower venue,forests become denser.Bananas,chrysalidocarpus and other tropical plants are swaving their huge leaves.The atmosphere is full of the specific muggy air of tropical rain forest.How magical Namjagbarwa is!Because of its great altitude,it has become such a good magician that varied sights can be fourd in one same picture.No wonder Namjagbarwa is called a world natural museum of mountain vegetation forms.

The Namiagbarwa Peak is always too shy to come out from the ctouds.The rolling clouds always veil the mountain as if Namjagbarwa peak is a paradise in fantasy and this adds more mystery to Namjagbarwa.According to the tocal ftbetans.only sincere people can see the Scenery of Namjagbarwa. Actually,there were Brtish explorers who cane at the bottom in the hope of seeing its scenery.But they waitec for a month i vain.Cieogmphers explain that xinoo Namjagharwa is next to Yartung Tsangpo Grand Canyon,the moist air from the Indian Ocean Gows along the canyon to the north,and mountains on both sides of the canyon are shrouded by clounds and mists.
The white and strcaming cloudis always envelope the snow-capped mountaintop of Namjagburwa,Once in a while.the sharply defined triangular pcak of the Namjagbarwa may be exposcd to view.,but almost immediatcly,the mountain is shiyly hidden again.The local Tibetans regard Namjagbarwa as the Rond to Heaven. They believe that when clouds flow around the top. the immortals are ctimbing the mountain to go up to Heaven.
In Tibctan language,Namjagbarwa means “a long lance piercing into the sky.”The sky- soraning Namjagbarwa Peak.with its majestic appearance.precipitous shape and unpredictable wcather.has been an ambitious aim of mountain-clmbing organizations from various countries, and was only conquered recendly by a Sino Japanese climbing team in 1992.