Nanjing Food Restaurants
2 min readPeople in Nanjing boast that their rich cuisine preser erves the natural flavors of the ingredients without being either overpowering or underwhelming. A specialty around here is around tanshui yo the meat is succulently tender with a crispy skin. ) is newly restored and where the locals go for a fun evening out. There are many good restaurants and snack stall there. Try a kind of pudding made from tof rom tofu(doufu naor), green onion pancakes(congyou bing) and dumpling soup(jiaozi tang). Another food street to check out is at Hunan Lu Shiziqiao Meishi Jie siting the Sun Yat-senlausoleum. (zhongshan ling) If you’re really hungry, order the Eight Qinhuai Specialties; the recipes for these Huangqiao sesame seed cakehuangqido shaobing) and Kaiyang dried vermice-uffyang gansi: Jiangyouji’s(beef soup(niurou tang tofu(doufulao and green onion pancake(congyou bing; Qifangge’s crispy seasame sesame oil vermicelli (mayud su gansi and shredded chicken noodles (jisi Shaomian) wusexidogao ingguihuaxian jiaxin xidoyuanxido)and ive -colored- cakes(wusexidogao) from the Lianhu Cake and Dumpling Restaurant; Zhanyuan Noodle Restaurant”s smoked fish noodles(xunyu yinsimian)and steamed dumplings(baopi baojido): Kuiguangge’s five -spice-boadbeans《uxidngdoandve-spceeggs(mxdngdn)(wuxiangdou)andfive-spiceeggs(wuxiangdan).

Jiangsu Restaurant

Traditional Jiangsu cuisine, their fragrant chicken (xiangsuji and Nanjing duck (nanjing yazhun) are particularly good.
24 hours
The King of Lions Restaurant
Offers food and entertainment.
2 Shiziqiao, Hunan Lu
11am to 2pm, 5pm to 9pm
Luliu Ju Restaurant

One of the finest vegetarian restaurants in Nanjing, specailizes in tofu chicken (suji and fried tofu duck(sushao ya)
248 Taiping Nan Lu
5: 30 am to 8: 30 am for dim sum
10: 30am to 8: 30pm for meals
Nanjing Jingcai Guan

Inside Jingli Hotel, 7 Beijing Xilu, Gulou District
Shizi Lou
29 Shizi Qiao, Hunan Lu, Gulou District
Yuehonghe Jiulou
19-3 Shengtai Xilu
Danny’s’ Irish Pub
The only Irish bar in Nanjing.

Inside Sheraton Nanjing Kingsley Hotel& Towers
6: 30pm to 2am