Palcho Monastery
1 min readThe Palcho Monastery is the main monastery in Tibet,in the Nyangchu river valley.The monastery precinct is a complex of structures,which,apart from the Tsuklakhang Monastery,believed to be the largest such structure in Tibet,that is most notable for its 108 chapels in its several floors and the old Dzong or fort.

Architecturally,Palcho monastery is a fusion of Han,Tibetan and Nepal architecture.The most striking architecture in the complex,a symbol of Gyantse,is the Bodhi Dagoba,popularly called as the“Kumbum”.It is a 32 metres high structure,a nine-tier building with 108 gates,and 76 chapels and shrines;out of the nine floors,the first five are square in shape while the rest are circula giving it a pyramidal appearance.It is also given the name“the Ten Thousand Buddha Pagodas”,as it has enshrined about ten thousand figures of Buddhas as images and murals.

Palcho Monastery lies about 230 kilometers south of Lhasa and 100 east of Shigatse at the foot of Dzong Hill.

Admission Fee
May 1~0ct.31:¥60

Opening hour
Walk along the stone road if you see the white stupa or white walls,then you’ll find the monastery not far away.