The Yanjiatai Village of Beijing
2 min readComing into being as a community during the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368), Yanjiatai Village is situated on a broad plain surrounded by mountains. Resembling two dragons playingwith a pearl, two mountain creeks meandering on the east and west merge near the villagegate. Unearthed here were shell coins dating bank more than 3,000 years to the Shang Dynasty.During the Yuan Dynasty, a group of Taoists relocated here to nurture their vital energy, andduring the Ming Dynasty this place was considered as an auspicious site for imperial tombs.

Today, visitors to Yanjiatai are impressed by the elegant, pristine atmosphere permeating thetraditionally~designed homes and the exquisite brick, wood, and stone engravings. Naturaland manmade landscapes blend gracefully, and the indigenous culture and historical traits andtraditions have been faithfully passed down from generation to generation.
Passage to History
Yanjiatai, under the jurisdiction of Qingshui town, is located in the Mentougou Distn’ctof Beijing, about 100 kilometers from thecity proper. Comprising an area of 80,000square meters, residing here are about 230households and a total population of 560.Entering the village, one will first seean elegant passage arch featuring red wallsand glazed tiles. Atop the arch is a four-column tower, and engraved on the crownof the door is the name of the village,“Yanjiatai,” and at eaeh side of the base ofthe arch is inlaid a rectangular marble tablet.
The tablets are engraved with inscriptionsmarking the renovation of the TaoistTongguan Temple, one of which waserected in 1291 and the other in 1530. They were moved here from the ruins of Tongguan Taoist Tongxian Temple Stele. Temple east of the village. In fact, this passage arch is not an ancient building, but anarchaized structure erected in 1958 during a water conservancy project.