Peanuts and Sesame seeds and Sunflower seeds
2 min readPeanuts
Sweet (Earth), neutral, Yang
Peanuts nourish qi and the blood. They strengthen and lubricate the lungs, and are often used to treat dry coughs. In China, peanuts are not normally served salted. Roasted or boiled peanuts stimulate the appetite, and for this reason are often served at the beginning of Chinese banquets as appetizers. Boiled peanuts with milk and honey is a common remedy both for stomachache and for gastritis. Peanut husks are used as a remedy for anemia. Eaten fresh, peanuts alleviate coughs with catarrh. Peanuts are also recognized as a remedy for beriberi, and are often prescribed as part of a diet aimed at lowering blood pressure. Peanuts boiled with soymilk or eaten with pork are said to promote the secretion of milk after childbirth. Protein, 25.7 g; Fat, 44.2 g; Fiber, 2.4 g; Carbohydrate, 23.6 g; Vitamin A, 0 IU; Vitamin B1, 0.66 mg; Vitamin B2, 0.14 mg; Niacin, 14.08 mg; Vitamin C, 0 mg; Calcium, 59.84 mg; Phosphorus, 383.68 mg; Iron, 3.24 mg
Sesame seeds
Sweet (Earth), neutral, balance of Yin and Yang
The sesame plant has been cultivated in China for five thousand years. The seeds are pressed to make sesame oil, prized all over China as the best oil for condiments and stir-frying. The seeds themselves are used extensively in traditional Chinese medicine. There are two varieties of sesame seeds: black and white. Although their functions are more or less the same, the black variety is usually preferred for medicinal purposes. Sesame nourishes the blood and improves eyesight. It dispels evil wind, and dryness in the intestines. Sesame aids the production of body fluids and stimulates the secretion of maternal milk after childbirth. It reinforces the functions of the liver and helps to mainain black, shiny hair. Sesame is also used in remedies for general weakness, anemia, constipation, dizziness,ringing in the ears, hypertension, and chronic cough. Protein, 16.8 g; Fat, 47.6 g; Fiber, –; Carbohydrate, 25.9 g; Vitamin A, 5 IU; Vitamin B1, 1.19 mg; Vitamin B2, 0.45 mg; Niacin, 5.25 mg; Vitamin C, 0 mg; Calcium, 129.5 mg; Phosphorus, 770 mg; Iron, 7.73 mg
Sunflower seeds
Sweet (Earth), neutral, mild Yang
Sunflower seeds regulate the action of the large intestine. They are useful in treating severe diarrhea and dysentery with blood in the stools. Sunflower seeds contain plenty of essential minerals, particularly zinc. One teapoon of crushed sunflower seeds dissolved in hot water and drunk as a tea will allow the skin pustules that erupt in measles and chicken pox to mature more rapidly. Two tablespoons of crushed sunflower seeds brewed in the same way is an effective laxative. Protein, 22.88 g; Fat, 49.63 g; Fiber, –; Carbohydrate, 18.66 g; Vitamin A, 49.28 IU; Vitamin B1, 2.29 mg; Vitamin B2, 0.25 mg; Niacin, 4.58 mg; Vitamin C, –; Calcium, 116.16 mg; Phosphorus, 704 mg; Iron, 6.76 mg