Pollution Control in Chian
2 min readPollution control is of critical importance in the East Route for“South-to-North Water Transfer”.The East Route of“South-to-North Water Transfer”shall divert water from the existing rivers and lakes to the North,however pollution in these rivers and lakes are relatively serious.A strict pollution control is closely related to the sustainable development of the area and success of the water diversion project in the East Route.Thus pollution control is the key point in the planning of water diversion in the East Route.
In order to ensure the rationality of the proposal on pollution control in the East Route,a Plan of Pollution Control in the East Route was developed under the General Plan by China Environment Science Research Institute.The Plan of Pollution Control is aimed at improving quality of diverted water to the standard of Class III.This plan includes three major schemes:Clear Water Passageway,Water Use Safeguarding and Water Quality Improvement.Clear Water Passageway is targeted at zero discharge of polluted water into the main canals for water diversion with an investment of 16.13 billion Yuan.102 sewage treatment plants are planned to be built in the cities.These plants are supplemented by necessary cutoffs of pollutants and integrated river basin management,so as to ensure the water quality of the mains reaching Class III.

Water Use Safeguarding Scheme is to protect water quality in the urban area of Tianjin Municipality and West-to-East Water Diversion in Shandong Province.It is planned to invest 3.47 billion Yuan for building 5 sewage treatment plants in the cities,3 diversion projects for cutoff of pollutants,so that water used in the planned area can meet the standard of Class III.
Water Quality Improvement Scheme is to upgrade water quality of the WeiyunRiver,Zhangweixin River,mainstream of the Huaihe River and Hongze Lake.The investment is 3.64 billion Yuan,for building 26 sewage treatment plants in the cities,closing 35 paper mills with pulp production capacity below 20 000 tons pe year,so as to ensure water quality of main stream of the Huaihe River reaching class III,water quality in the branches of the Hongze Lake reaching Class IV,an to ensure the COD concentration in the section of the Weiyun River in Henan Province lower than 70mg/1,then pollution to the coastal areas of Shandong Province can be prevented.

The Plan is an achievement made by energetic efforts of relevant departments and specialists.The status of pollution is clarified in the report,which is specifically oriented and grasps the key point of comprehensive application of three schemes.The plan shows that by taking water diversion as an opportunity,all the districts along the diversion route will pay high attention to and undertake the responsibly of pollution control and industrial restructuring.By so dong,the East Route will become a clear water passageway ensuring Class III water entering the North.