Pollution’s Haze
1 min readThe government,aware of this,is spending billions to improve public transport in the big cities.By 2008 Beljing is due to have 200km of underground track,double the current length.Shanghai’s underground is due toexpand from 80km to 200km by 2010,when the city will host the World Expo;by 2020,the plan is to have 810km,twice the length of London’s underground system.
China’s rapidly growing dependence on imported oil-one-third of it now for car use-is causing deep anxieties about the country’s energy security.Petrol consumption will no doubt be curbed by taxes,better technologies orthe use of alternative fuels.But demand for cars will go on surging.Ford’s David Thomas estimates there are 450m people in eastern China with apurchasing power of over $7,000 a year;$6,000 is the usual threshold at which car-ownership begins to take off.

Growing losses in the indusfry,as fierce competition squeezes margins,are not deterring the manufacturers.As Mr Thomas points out,“People’s desire,people’s purchasing capability,the overall economic fundamentals of the country haven’t changed that much.”China has fallen in love with cars;and despite government efforts to cool the passion down,it burns as hot(and as noxiously)as ever.