Qutang Gorge
1 min readThe Qutang Gorge is the shortest and most spectacular of Chinese Three Gorges.

Immediately downstream of the ancient village Baidicheng the Yangtze River passesbetween the Chijia Mountain on the north and the Baiyan Mountain on the south.The point where the river passes between these mountains is called the Kuimen Gate and it is the entrance to the Qutang Gorge-the first of the three Yangtze gorges.TheQutang Gorge is only 8 kilometres long,but it is also the narrowest of the Three Gorges.The widest point measures only 150 metres wide.The mountains on either side reach as high as 1,200 metres(4,000 ft).This combination of narrow canyons among high mountains with several switchbacks in only 8 kilometres creates spectacular vistas,and the Qutang Gorge is often considered the most beautiful of all the Three Gorges.

Qutang Gorge starts at Baidicheng,Fengjie County in the west and ends in the Daxi Town,Wushan County in the east.

Admission Fee
Free(extra fee for boating)
Opening hour
All day

From Chongqing Chaotian dock,take ship to the Fengjiexin County,then transfer to bus to the Baidicheng.