Rotating Hoop Diving
1 min readOver the last several decades, Chinese acrobats have ceaselessly refined the props and presentation of hoop diving. In an act developed by the Jiangxi Acrobatic Troupe,a vertical stack of hoops is set rotat-ing atop a spinning pedestal. The constantly moving openings flash by for only an instant, requiring the performer to calculate precisely both when and where to dive. This is much more difficult than jumping through a stationary hoop, in which case the performer has to worry only about the place-ment, and not the timing, of the leap.
In a unique setup designed by the Guangdong Acrobatic Troupe,a horizontal combination of indepen-dently rotating hoops is added to the rotating vertical stack, like the arms on a cross. As the performer dives in and out of the erratically moving openings, the separate movement of each hoop further in-creases the difficulty of timing and placement, presenting an even greater challenge.