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Round Top Nail Pattern and Chinese Characters on the Embroidery

1 min read

 Round Top Nail Pattern

Round top nail pattern is commonly used in Han culture for ornamentations and it is also one of the simplest patterns on Bronze works Usually it is round top nails in single lines or in squares. The scholars’ interpretation of the pattern is that it is the symbol of maternal worship as the round top shape is similar to the nipple. The most familiar round top nail pattern for us is the yellow ones on the red gates of the Palace Museum in Beijing.

Chinese Characters on the Embroidery

 There are lingual characters on the embroidery works and no misunderstanding Illiterate Miao women know no Chinese characters but they borrow some characters that seem to be good looking in form for ornamentation. As they know no meaning of these characters, they sometimes metamorphose these characters and even make them upside down or reversed on directions in some cases. This is making fun for us.

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