Sauteed Sweet Corn with Pine Nuts
1 min readSauteed sweet corn with pine nuts is a dish with a perfect combination of color,aroma,and taste.It’s an ordinary dish for every family.Qingchao keeps the original taste of pine nuts and sweet corn;the red carrot,yellow cucumber and green pepper look delightful and appetizing.

The pine nut is also called the”longevity nut”,and the core of it is fillec with rich nutrition;it is helpful for reducing blood pressure,and also good for the brain.There is ample calcium,lecithin and vitamin E in sweet corn.Eat frequently for good health.

20g vegetable oil,5g salt,5g sugar,1 piece of carrot,1/2 cucumber or one green pepper,30g cornstarch-water mixture.
Chop carrot,cucumber or green pepper into sweet corn sized dices.Boil sweet corn in a boiler for 2-3 minutes.

Do not pour oil in the pot;heat the pot to warm,add pine nuts,and continually stir-fry.Set aside as soon as the color of pine nut changes.
Pour oil in the pot,heat,and add sweet corn,carrot and cucumber or green pepper.

Stir-fry for 30 seconds,add pine nuts,salt,sugar and cornstarch-water mixture,stir-fry until evenly cooked,and serve.