Shaanxi History Museum,a place with Most Cultural and Historical Relics
2 min readShaanxi History Museum,which is located to the northwest.of the Criant Wild Coose Pagrin the ancient city Xi’an,in the Shaanxi Province of China,is one of the first huge state museums with modern facilities in China.The museum houses over 300,000 oln items including murals,paintings,pottery, well as bronze,gold,and silver objects.The modern museum was built between 1983 and 2001 and its appearance recalls the architectural style of Tang Dynasty.

Shaanxi History Museum was constructed from 1983.It was opened to the pubirc on-! June 1991.The museum is in an area of 65,000 square meters,with a building urea of 55,0 square meiers,culfural relics storerooms. of 8,000 square meters,exhibition halls of II square meters,and a collection of 370,000 objects.The museum is archilecturally in the lang style,with a”hall in center,storied buildings in corners”.It is elegant and dignified.on a large scale,with a combination of traditional architecture and modern technology.which embodies folk tradition and local fcatures.

Xi’an was the ancient imperial capital of China,having been the seat or more than 13 feudal dynasties,including Zhou,Qin,Han,and Tang dynasties.The province is nich in cultural relics.Shaanxi Hisiory Museum,collects over 370,000 precious relics wnicn were unearhed in Shaanxi Province,including bronze wares,pottery figures,and mural painungsumn lang tombs.

Since the opening of the museum,it has followed the policy or coiceune.conservation, publicizing,education,and scientific research.Using its many historical relles.the museum bas put on various types of displays.The relics have also been exhibiled overseas mm ciues in Japan. France,the United States,the United Kingdom and Germany.