2 min read1.Divide your rested dough in half,then rewrap one half in clingfilm and refrigerate until needed.
2.Pull the dough into a long sausage shape about 2cm in diameter.
3.Cut the dough sausage into 5g portions-around 2cm-thick slices.
4.Lay the slices out flat on a lightly floured work surface,then push down on them with the palm of your hand to form rounds.

5.Using a small rolling pin,lightly roll the outside of a pastry round into a 6.5cm-diameter circle so that the centre is thicker than the edge.
6.Keep the rolling pin at a right angle to your body at all times,rotating the pastry instead of the rolling pin.
7.Place 16g of the filling in the centre of the pastry circle.
8.Form a cavity with your hand by bringing your forefinger,with the other fingers below,round to meet your thumb.Rest the pastry and filling over the cavity and,using the end of the rolling pin,push the filling and pastry down into the cavity.
9.Using your other hand,lift the pastry at the 3 o’clock position and pinch it together with the dough 3mm from it clockwise on the circle to form your first pleat.
10-12.Repeat this process at 3mm intervals all the way round the pastry to pleat it around the filing.
13.When your pleats have completed a 360-degree rotation,ensure that the excess pastry is pointing upwards so that you can seal up the dumpling.
14.Continue to pleat even after you have completed a full rotation to give you a neat point to the top of your dumpling.
15.You now have your finished Shanghai dumpling ready for steaming.