1 min readServes 4 as a side dish.
Preparation & cooking time: about 10–15 mins.
There is no need to top and tail the sprouts – it is too time-consuming. The most important point to remember here is not to overcook them: that would lose the crispness of texture as well as much of the vitamin C content.

225g (8oz) fresh bean sprouts
3 tablespoons seasoned oil
2–3 spring onions, cut into short sections
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon soft brown sugar
pinch of MSG (optional)

Wash the bean sprouts in cold water and discard any husks and other bits and pieces that float to the surface. Rinse and drain well – get rid of as much excess water as possible.
Heat the oil in a preheated wok until hot, stir-fry the bean sprouts and spring onions together for about 1 minute, then add the salt and sugar, continue stirring for 30–40 seconds more, now add the MSG (if using), blend well and serve hot or cold.