suzhon’s legendary gardens
2 min readThe abundance of water made possible the development of one of Suzhou’s crowning glories: its many magnificent gardens. Streams, waterfalls, pools and lakes provide the central design element in style that came to be emulated across China. These gardens are not the arrays of closely ordered flowers and pruned shrubbery to which Westerners are accustomed; the ture parks than gardens in the Wes with natsense.

The gardens of Suzloni were created to harmonize with nature; the goal of designing of nature, in miniature form, into the home. Most gardens were and Qing dynasties, and even then, space was scarce.the gardens are ingeniously designed to maximize the feeling of a large space in confine quarters. Windin and strategically placed walls with portrait window provide legendary landscap Suzhou has long been famed as a hon thome of distinguished scholars. After retiring from imperial service, they returned to their home cities and used their wealth to build gardens in which they could shut out the world and devote themselves to study and contemplation.

Daintines cens were places to worship nature and find lspiratltion for their calligraphy and paintings. Here the scholar-officials pursued their romances and dreamt their poems, passing the languid days, sipping delicate teas and fragrant wines while their companions played chress. This sublime atmosphere still pervades Suzhou, though at times it may be hard to find serenity when throngs of people are all searching for their own corner of inspiration.

Sits on top of Tiger Hil. The gardens of Suzhou have been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, recognized as major repositories of cultural achievement. Perhaps the lord of them all is the Humble can only see one garden while in Suzhou, this one is highly recommended gardens Administrator’s’ Garden(zhuozheng yuan), the largest of Suzhou’s’ gardens. If you About 60% of its area is water and there is an extensive network of paths and bridges following streams that culminate in a magnificent scenic lake. There are many pavilions for resting and taking in the striking views and a lovely home that features the Mandarin Duck Hall (yuanyang guan). There is an excellent collection of bonsai treespenjing) at one end of the garden. The Lingering Garden(liuyuan) is quite large and lovely. It excels in architecture and stunning views. The Surging Waves Pavilion(canglang ting)is smaller and less dramatic but boasts an abundance of fine stone and wood carvings.

Similarly, The Master of Nets Garden (wangshi yuan is quite small and relatively simple, but may appeal to those limited in time or mobility. Its major benefits include its proximity to the major tourist area at Shiquan Jie and its evening musical, acrobatic and theatrical performances during the warmer months.