Tea-Smoked Chicken
1 min readFor a diferent flavor, try simmering the chicken prior to steaming in the black tea leaves.
3-pound fryer chicken
2 tablespoons dark soy sauce
1teaspoon sugar
11 teaspoons Chinese rice wine or dry sherry
2 green onion, minced
3 tablespoons black tea leaves
12cup brown sugar
14teaspoon salt and pepper mix
12cup uncooked rice

1. Wash the chicken and pat dry. Mix together the dark soy sauce, sugar, rice wine, and green onion.
Rub over the chicken and marinate for 1 hour. Mix together the tea leaves, brown sugar, salt and pepper mix, and rice. Set aside.
2. Prepare a bamboo steamer and steam the chicken for about 45 minutes, until it is cooked.
3. Cover the bottom of the wok and the inside of the wok with several layers of aluminum foil.
Place the smoking spices at the bottom of the wok. Place a cake rack inside the wok and place the chicken on the rack. Turn the heat up. When smoke appears in a few places(about 10-15minutes), cover the chicken with the lid and adjust the heat so that the stream of smoke remains steady. Continue smoking until the chicken turns a deep brown (about 15 minutes).