The Benefit from the Project in Chian
2 min readConsiderable social,economic and environmental benefits will be generated by the implementation of“South-to-North Water Transfer”.
Based on the current preparation,the project is basically ready for commencement next year in view of its technical conditions.Within 5-10 years of construction,the East and the Middle Routes of the Project will be in operation and will be of benefit to the people.The major benefits are:Firstly,the natural environment,especially the water resources conditions inNorth China will be improved,the bearing capacity of water resources will bestrengthened,the allocation efficiency of resources will be enhanced and the strategic restructuring of economy will be accelerated.It is of great importance to enlarge domestic demand,to create new job opportunities,and to sustain high-speed development of national economy.It will help to realize structure upgrading and to realize the sustainable development of society and economy.Secondly,through the improvement of water resources conditions,the potential productive force will be mobilized for economic growth.Through the establishment of the modern operation system of the”South-to-North Water Transfer”Project,the water saving and pollution control activities will be strengthened,thus gradually improve the eco-environmental condition of the Huang-Huai-Hai area.This will gradually make North China transformed into a new type of water saving and pollution-preventive society in which water resources will be rationally allocated,water supply will be guaranteed and water environment will be improved.

Thirdly,it will effectively solve water quality issues caused by natural reasons in some parts of the northern area,for instance,water with high-fluoride content,bitter and salty water or other natural water containing substance harmful to health.Thus the quality of drinking water in rural areas is improved.
Fourthly,the constraint of urbanization in the northern area due to water shortage will be alleviated,The process of local urbanization will be accelerated.
The eco-environment and natural landscape will be improved,satisfying the increased requirement of the people with higher and higher living standard.