The Birthplace and the Memorial Hall of Lu Xun
2 min readTourists coming to Shaoxing from various parts of the country and from abroad,never fail to visit the birthplace and the Memorial Hall of Lu Xun.They respect this man as China’s greatest 20th-century writer.Among foreign tourists are those from Japan where Lu Xun studied from 1902to 1909.Lu Xun was born in Shaoxing on 25th September,1881,where he spent his childhood and early youth.The Memorial Hall of Lu Xun consists of three parts:Lu Xun’s former residence,Sanwei(Three-flavored)Study,and an exhibitionThe big hall,covering 1,500 square meters,contains more than 700 exhibits,including manuscripts,photos,books,periodicals,and various personal properties.

Next door to the Memorial Hall is Lu Xun’s home,made into a museum in 1953.It is furnished with his family’s original furniture and household items such as sewing baskets,iron,and scissors used by his mother.Following through the living quarters where Lu Xun is said to have met with his close friends and students during the 1911 Revolution,is the garden which Lu Xun described in his essay“From Hundred-plant Garden to Three-flavored Study”as the”paradise”of his childhood.Young Lu Xun used to catch birds in the garden.The original garden wall described in his essay still stands.

A few hundred yards east of the house,across a stone bridge,is the place where Lu Xun began his schooling at the age of 12.The desk once Lu Xun used is in one corner of the classroom.Tourists will find it interesting that a Chinese character meaning “early” is carved on the left corner of the desk by Lu Xun.It is said that Lu Xun was once punished and hit on his palm by his teacher with a ruler for being late for class,andtherefore,he had the Chinese character“early”carved on the desk to remind himself of never being late.