The Brieflntroduction of Beijing Forbidden City
2 min read1.A Brieflntroduction
This is the map ofthe Forbidden City.The Forbidden City covers an area of 72 hectares①with a total floor space of about163,000 square meters.It can be divided into two parts:the Outer Court and the Inner Palace.The Outer Court consists②of three main buildings and the Inner Palace consists of six eastern palaces and six western palaces.There are four entrances into the city.The Meridian Gate to the south,the Shenwu Gate to the north,the Donghua to the east,and the Xihua Gate to the west.

2.The Hall ofSupreme Harmony
The Hall of Supreme Harmony is the place where the emperor held a major ceremony,like the emperor ascended the throne,birthdays,weddings,New Year’s Day.
3.The Hall ofComplete Harmony
The Hall of Complete Harmony is located at the back ofthe Supreme Harmony.This temple is a place for the emperor to take a break before the ceremony and do a preexercise.

4.The Hall ofPreserving Harmony
The Hall of Preserving Harmony is a place where emperors entertained④the other kings on the annual New Year’s Eve.At the same time,the final imperial examination was held here.
5.Palace ofHeavenly Purity
Palace of Heavenly Purity in the Forbidden City is in top court.There is a throne in the middle of the temple and an”aboveboard”plaque.Two sides of the this court are the places where the emperor read and slept.The south of the court is a room where the son of emperor could read and study.
6.The Palace ofEarthly Tranquility
The Palace of Earthly Tranquility is the place where the emperor and theempress had to spend their wedding night.It’s in the last surface of the
Forbidden City.It was the Queen’s chambers in the Ming Dynasty.And then it turns to be a ritual place.