The Etiquette of Receiving and Giving out Gifts
1 min readIn are given at Chinese New Year,weddings,births and more recently. birthdays.

It’s traditional to bring a gift when invited to someone’s home.Usually fresh flowers or fruit are your best bet (the number eight is considered lucky,so eight apples or eight oranges is a good idea)or,of course,anything from home.The more expensive the gift,the more respectful. but don’t go over the top or you’ll embarrass your hosts,who may feel the need to bankrupt themselves to return your generosity.Don’t be surprised when,if your gift is wrapped,it is placed somewhere prominent all evening and not unwrapped until after you leave(your hosts might look greedy and ungrateful if the gift box is opened too hastily and in front of you).It is also courteous to bring something back from traveling-just a token gift is fine.But be sure to be fair with your gifi-giving:don’t give something nicer to the secretary in the office than to the dean of the college,and don’t give gifts to one group of students and not another-theyll find out,you can bet on it.Often,it’s better to give something that can be shared,like food.