The Great Wall:A Wonder in Human History
1 min readIts construction began at 7th or 8th centuries BC,and continued now and then for over 2000 years.The wall stretches across the vast area of north and central China,with a total length of more than 50 000km(100 000 li),reputed as“Enlivened for 2000 years and Maneuvering for 100 000 li”.

Historical records show that since the Warring States Period,more than20 lord states and imperial dynasties launched construction of defensewals,and the length would exceed 100 000 li(50 000 km),In other words,the bricks,stones,and earth are excessive for a modern highway of 10m wide and 0.5 m thick to go around the planet for 1 0 circles.Thatis amazingly great indeed,well worth its fame as one of the seven wonders in human history.

The Great Wall boasts serene scenery and historical value.Much of the Great Wall we see today was constructed in Ming Dynasty.After careful ren-ovation,representative sections,such as Shanhai Pass,Juyong Pass,Badal-ing Section,Simatai Section,Mutianyu Section,Jiayu Pass,Gubeikou Pass and Jinshanling Section,has already become the world-renowned tourist at-tractions.Among them,Badaling Section,Juyong Pass,Simatai Section,Jins-hanling and Mutianyu Section are the most famous sections of the Great Wall.