The Hall of Mental Cultivation and The Six Western Palaces
1 min readThe Hall of Mental Culfivation(Yangxindian)stands in a large com-pound south of the Six Western Palaces.During the Qing Dynasty it was the second most important place in the Imperial Palace,only next to the Hall of Supreme Harmony.The front part of the hall was used as the office and therear part as the bedroom of the emperor.The officials who were to be pro-moted,transfered was to expire were presented to the emperor by the Min-ister of Interior in this hall.

The West Warm Chamber and East Warm Chamber of the Hall of Men-tol Cultivation were where the emperor read official reports and met high-ranking oficials.During the Qing Dynasty memorials to the throne from vari-ous ofices were first sent to two collecting points and then brought to the emperor by special eunuch messengers.

The Six Western Palaces are located north of the Hall of Mental Culiva-tion.They are the Palace of Etermal Longevity Yongshougone,the Palace of Assisting the Empress Yukungong,the Palace of Gathering Elegance Chuxi-ugong,the Hall of Evolution Taidian,the Palace of Eternal Spring Chang-chungong,and the Palace of Cultivating Happiness Xianftugong.During theMing Dynasty they were the residence of imperial concubines.In the Qing Dynasty some empresses lived here too.