The Influence of Chinese Painting
1 min readThe independent Chinese traditional art of painting had drawn increasing interest from the foreign art critics,who were beginning to study the Chinese classic art-viewing it for the first time as a unique school of the Oriental fine arts.This was an important development,because until then,there were only three schools of Oriental fine arts,namely,Egyptian-Arab fine arts,fine arts of the Indian sub-continent and finally,Japanese fine arts,which had been popular in the West since the middle of the nineeenth century.The rediscovery of the Chinese fine arts led the Western art and cultural circles to recognize the existence of a new world in Oriental art.

As a result,study of Chinese fine arts became a favourable subiect for the Western art and academic circles.
With human activities as the major objects of description,figure painting is the earliest kind of traditional Chinese painting.

Although freehand brushwork in ink and brush was not the dominant form of painting in the Song Dynasty,it had immense infiluence uponand created favorable conditions for the development and prosperity of this style of painting in the Yuan,the Ming and the Qing dynasties.
Bird-and-flower painting is a kind of traditional Chinese painting that takes animals and plants as its subjects.