The Introduction of The Yellow River
3 min readThe Yellow River,originating from the Yueguzonglie Basin,which located at the north side of the foot of Bayan Har Mountains on the Tibetan Plateau in Qinghai Province of China,courses through 9 provinces and autonomous regions,namely,Qinghai,Sichuan,Gansu,Ningxia,Inner Mongolia,Shaanxi,Shanxi,Henan and Shandong,and empties into Bohai Sea finally by Kenli County in Dongying City of Shandong Province.From a bird’s eye view,the shape of the Yellow River is justlike a huge Chinese character”几”written by a calligrapher on the territory of Throughout the 5,000-year Chinese history,the Yellow River underwent many times of breaches and course changes,bringing the people in the Yellow River Basin grave calamities.Therefore,the Yellow River also got its names such as the”River of Misfortune”,”Dragon the Wicked”,the”River of Disaster”and so on.According to the historic records,in the 3,000-odd years before the founding of People’s Republic of China in 1949,the levees of the Yellow River were breached for over 1,500 times and its courses were greatly changed for about 30 times.In Chinese history,almost the rulers of each dynasty had tamed and developed the Yellow River.

It is justifiable to say that the history of the Yellow River is the one in which Chinese people fight against natural disasters.
However,the Yellow River also nourishes thousands of millions of Chinese people.The Yellow River Basin is the birthplace of the Chinese people,the cradle of Chinese civilization,and the”mother river”of the Chinese people.From Bayan Har Mountains on the”Roof of the World”down to the Gulf of Bohai on the west of Pacific,the Yellow River seethes and surges forwards for thousands of.Its wildness and savagery bring people the devastating flood but its gentleness and softness fertilize numerous acres of lands.From generation to generation,the Chinese people procreate,live and work on this vast land,creating splendid history and gorgeous civilization.
Lots of stories and legends about the Yellow River have been passed down from generation to generation by the people living nearby.Those legends that were changed as well as modified and compiled by the famous writers gradually became a unique culture of the Yellow River with various forms.One of these forms is the colloquial proverbs,such as”Not stop until one reaches the YellowRiver,not shedtears until one sees the coffin”(not stop until one reaches one’s goal,meaning a spirit of perseverance)and”Jumping into the Yellow River can’t rid you of the dirt”(It always demonstrates the case that someone is innocent while all the evidence shows not and he can not make it clear).Another form is the household idioms,for instance,”carps jumpover theDragonGate”(describing one’s social statusis highly promoted)and”Mount Dizhu stands firmin the rip tides of Yellow River.”(indicating a tower of strength)Another form is poems thatweregorgeously wordedandmagnificent-“Looking afar,Yellow River runs across Sanmen Gorge,driving east,never to return.”There are too many to mention.