The Making of Stone Ware
2 min readWhen the people in the remote antiquity attained a certain level in terms of material life, their mind was geared to a higher level of civilization and they began to learn the making of more complicated tools.

In archeology, the historical period when the stone ware served as the main production tools was called the Stone Age. By the standard whether grinding occurred or not in the making of stone ware, the period when the stone ware was made by chiseling was the Paleolithic Age and the ground stone ware was that firstly chiseled and then ground. Certainly with the advent of the grinding stone techniques, there emerged sorts of other techniques such as cropping, taming and breeding of animals, crockery making and so on. From then on the history was ushered into the Neolithic Age. In researches on the origin of human beings, the capability to make tools is taken as the main criterion testing whether the ape has evolved into man or not.

The stone ware made in the Paleolithic Age mainly fell into two categories: the flat stoneware and the core-shaped ones among which the former were blades from alarge stone which were further divided into the scraping ware and the needle ware based on their usage. The scraping ware was used for cutting and scraping by the edges of the blades while the needle ware was used for drilling, digging, hollowingwith their piercing parts and they were also named after their shape as the prism stone ware. The flat stone ware could either be held in hand or fixed onto a wooden or bone handle to form a compound tool. The core-shaped stone ware were the stone zaxes, large piercing stone tools, stone hammers and so on, and their shape was moreor less determined by the formof the original stone. After the flat stoneware weremade out of a large stone the core-shaped stone ware might be made out of the res of the large stone.