The population quality of Chinese has steadily improved
2 min readThe Improvement of the Quality of the Chinese Population in Terms of Education and Health as Well as the Overall Development of the People.
China’s family planning has always included the two aspects of controlling the population size and improving the population quality in terms of education and health.While making efforts to control the population at an appropriate size,the Chinese government has devoted great attention to de-veloping educational,medical and other services in order continuously to improve the quality of the population in terms of education and health.Prior to 1949,the mortality rate was as high as 20 per thousand,while by the end of the 1970s it had dropped to below 7 per thousand.From 1949 to 1990,the life expectancy rose from 35 years to 68.55 years-66.84 yearsfor males and 70.47 years for females,making China a country where the life expectancy increased the most rapidly.Great improvements have been witnessed in the basic facilities for public healith in China.Health care for women and children has continuously expanded.Now,family planning as well as maternity and child care networks have been basically formed in China’s urban and rural areas.The maior indexes of people’s medical care and health have already far outstripped countries at the same level of economic development,and the gap with the developed countries is being gradually narrowed.

The Chinese government has taken education as a strategic key for thecountry’s development,and great progress has been made in this field.
China is now accomplishing the goal of nine-year compulsory education in a planned and systematic way.In 1994,the enrolment at schools,at various levels and of various kinds throughout the country,already reached 270 milion,the schooling rate of school-age children reached 98.4 percent,the illteracy rate of young and middle-aged people dropped to 7 percent,primary education was made universal in areas with 9l percent of the country’s population,the major cities and some of the developed regions basically popularized junior middle school education,and infant education as well as the special education for handicapped children developed steadily.Secondary vocational and technical education developed quickly,and enrolment has reached 8.446 million,accounting for 56 percent of the total number of students at the level of senior middle school.Countrywide,over 200 milion farmers have received various kinds of education in general knowledge and practical skills.